Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Pio Maria FURNERI

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the different types of relationships that microorganisms and human parasites establish with the host, differentiating the "infection" phenomenon from the "disease" one.
  • Correlate the aggressive mechanisms of microorganisms and parasites with the various "types" of infection and the pathological lesions induced.
  • Classify microorganisms and parasites within the various stages of aggregation of living matter (metazoans, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, viruses), correlating the degree of organization with the pathogenic action.
  • In the context of the structural organization of microorganisms and parasites, identify the structures/functions necessary to carry out metabolic processes and replication and to determine infection/disease in the host.
  • Correlate the phenomenon of variation and mutation of microorganisms and parasites with the pathogenic action and resistance to antimicrobial substances.
  • Describe and classify the inhibitory mechanisms, the site of action, the spectrum of action of chemoantibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiprotozoans.
  • Indicate the biological prerequisites of chemo-antibiotic resistance (genotypic and phenotypic) and resistance to other antimicrobial agents (antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal).

Course Structure

Frontal oral presentation. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

Information for students with disabilities and / or SLD: To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensatory measures, based on the teaching objectives and specifications needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP contact person (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or SLD) of the department.

Required Prerequisites

Know the basics of biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and general pathology

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

1. Microorganisms and parasites: infection of the host

a. The microbial population normally resident in the human organism.

b. The human microbiota

c. Microbiota models for systems

d. The role of the microbiota

e. Microbiota dysfunctions and loss of resilience

2. Microbes and their diversity

a. Commensal bacteria, pathogens and pathobionts: general aspects of the main families

b. Characteristics of fungi and their metabolism: The fungal cell structure and function; Reproductive cycle

c. Viruses and their biological characteristics connected to the pathogenesis of diseases

d. Subviral pathogens: prions, viroids and virusoids

d. The main parasites responsible for infections in humans

3. The pathogenesis of the infection

a. The stages of bacterial infection

b. Pathogenicity and virulence

                                            i.            Pathogenicity mechanisms

c. Cellular structures linked to pathogenicity and virulence

                                            i.            Bacterial toxins

                                          ii.            Other cellular structures

                                        iii.            Metabolic pathways and correlations with the pathogenesis of infections

d. The host response to bacterial infection

e. The pathogenesis of viral infection

                                            i.            the. Mode of transmission of viral infections

                                          ii.            Types of viral infection: acute infection and persistent infection (latent, slow, chronic and cytotransforming)

                                        iii.            The host response to viral infection

                                         iv.            The interferon system

f. Mechanisms of pathogenicity of fungi

                                            i.            the. Mycetism

                                          ii.            Mycotoxicosis

                                        iii.            Mycosis

                                         iv.            Pathogenesis of mycoses

                                          v.            Dimorphism

                                         vi.            you. Mode of infection

                                       vii.            Origin, classification and description of mycoses

                                     viii.            Host defense against fungal infections

g. The pathogenetic mechanisms of parasites

4. Control of the infection

a)       Sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis: general concepts

b)      Antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs:

                                            i.            Classification and characteristics of the main antibacterial groups

                                          ii.            Mechanism of action

                                        iii.            Antibiotic resistance

                                         iv.            The biological assay of the activity of antibiotics and disinfectants

c. Antiviral chemotherapy drugs

                                            i.            the. Classification

                                          ii.            Mechanism of action and resistance

                                        iii.            Combined therapies

d. Antifungal drugs

                                            i.            Classification

                                          ii.            Mechanism of action and resistance

e. The vaccines

                                            i.            General principles of prophylaxis

                                          ii.            General concepts on vaccines

a)       The history of vaccinations

b)      Types of vaccines (outline)

Textbook Information

Since no Italian books are available, at the end of each module the students will receive the teaching material from the teacher

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1 1.       Microrganismi e parassiti: l’infezione dell’ospite Teaching material provided by the teacher
2Microbes and their diversityTeaching material provided by the teacher
3The pathogenesis of the infectionTeaching material provided by the teacher
4 Control of the infectionTeaching material provided by the teacher

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of 6 questions that will randomly concern the program modules. Failure to answer at least 4 questions is in fact a condition of rejection. A maximum of 5 points are awarded for each correct answer.

The student who does not pass the exam will be able to go to the next session

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

No specific question will be provided