Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Alessandra AMATO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students with the fundamental theoretical and methodological tools for knowledge of kinesiology, or the science that studies the movement of the human body. The student will have to acquire knowledge of biomechanics applied to the locomotor system in order to know how to analyze and evaluate the main sports gestures. In addition, the student will need to gain an in-depth understanding of the university organic structure and the basics of scientific research methodology in the field of human movement.

Course Structure

Lectures, practical classes, cooperative teaching (student-teacher) through sharing of teaching materials and multimedia aids.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of anatomy, basic physics, and human movement theory.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

- Introduction to the course.

- Definition of "biomechanics"

- Biomechanics as applied to sports

- General physics concepts

- Force:

- Centripetal force

- Centrifugal force

- Friction

- Physical quantities relevant to the study of motion

- Applicability of biomechanics concepts in human anatomy

- Newton's laws

- Bond reactions

- Work

- Power

- Energy

- Momentum of a force

- Importance of the muscle insertion point

- Levers

- Static analysis

- Functional balance

- Balance in the frontal plane

- Sagittal balance

- The transverse balance

- Posture

- Posturography

- Tools for assessing posture:

- force platforms

- stabilometric platforms

- baropodometric platforms

- Gait

- Biomechanical analysis of gait

- The foot: organ of sense and motion

- Biomechanical analysis of running

Textbook Information

  1. Anatomia Funzionale. A.I. Kapandji. Monduzzi Editore.  
  2. Basi Biomeccaniche della Valutazione Muscolare Paolo Pillastrini e Mauro Alianti Aulo Gaggi Editore

  3. Fondamenti di Chinesiologia. Mansfield and Neumann. Calzetti & Mariucci editori.

  4. Merton L. Root La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico Ed. Piccin

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1anatomical levers.Importance of muscle insertion point Anatomia Funzionale. A.I. Kapandji. Monduzzi Editore. 
2Biomechanics applied to sport-  Applicability of biomechanics concepts in human anatomy- Fondamenti di Chinesiologia. Mansfield and Neumann. Calzetti & Mariucci editori.
3Gait- Biomechanical analysis of gait- The foot: organ of sense and motion- Biomechanical analysis of runningMerton L. Root La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico Ed. Piccin
4Static analysis- Functional balance- Balance in the frontal plane- Sagittal balance- The transverse balanceBasi Biomeccaniche della Valutazione Muscolare Paolo Pillastrini e Mauro Alianti Aulo Gaggi Editore

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral Examination. The student will have to take the exam in the scheduled appointments of the Graduate Course Examination Calendar. The committee will be composed of the professors in charge of the teaching.   

The oral test consists of an interview in which questions will be asked covering at least No. 5 different topics of the program. The test allows to verify: (I) the level of knowledge of the subject matter; (II) clarity of exposition; and (III) property of medical-scientific language. 

The following parameters will be taken into account in awarding the final grade:

Grade 29-30 cum laude: the student has an APPROPRIATE knowledge of the subject has excellent communication skills and masters medical-scientific language. 

Grade 26-28: the student has a GOOD knowledge of the subject and expounds topics clearly using appropriate medical-scientific language; 

Grade 22-25: the student has DISCRETE knowledge of the subject matter, although limited to the main topics and expounds the topics quite clearly with a fair command of language; 

Grade 18-21: the student has MINIMUM knowledge of the subject and expounds the topics sufficiently clearly although language property is poorly developed; 

Exam failed: the student DOES NOT POSSIBLY have the required MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE of the main content of the teaching. There is little or no ability to use specific language and is unable to independently apply the knowledge acquired.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Definition of "biomechanics"

 General physics concepts

The levers

Balance in the frontal plane

Sagittal balance

 The transverse balance
