Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: CLAUDIO BUCOLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Provide the student with the basics of pharmacology and toxicology necessary for the performance of the role of optometrist 

Intermediate targets: 

• Know what medications are and the role they have in the therapeutic 

• Understand the ways through which drugs modify the state of health of the patient 

• Understand the factors that can alter the response to a drug 

• Know the risks associated with the use of drugs 

• Know the general principles of pharmacotherapy 

• Know the toxicological and pharmacological profiles of the main ophthalmic drugs 

Course Structure

Part I



Part II

• Drugs used in the field of ophthalmology 

Detailed Course Content

Part I


- The student at the end of the course will be able to describe: 

• the main routes of drug administration and for each describe the main features, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications 

• processes of drug distribution in the body 

• main processes of drug biotransformation 

• major routes of elimination of drugs 

• factors that can alter the elimination of drugs and the clinical consequences and therapeutic 

• Describe the main pharmacokinetic parameters 

• Principles of pediatric pharmacology and geriatric


- The student at the end of the course will be able to describe: 

• Receptors and drug-receptor interaction 

• Receptor Agonists and Antagonists 

• Signal transduction 

• Desensitization and tachyphylaxis 

-Cholinergic and adrenergic transmission 

Part II

• Drugs for glaucoma

• Drugs for AMD: anti-VEGF

• Drugs for ocular pain 

• Mydriatics and miotics 

• Antibiotics used in ophthalmology

• Anti-inflammatory drugs

•  Local anesthetics 

•  Lacrimal substitutes and viscoelastic substances 

Textbook Information

Clarck et al. Pharmacology. Lippincott

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1*principali vie di somministrazione dei farmaci e descrivere per ciascuna le caratteristiche principali, i vantaggi, gli svantaggi e le controindicazioni Clarck et al. Le basi della Farmacologia Ed Zanichelli Cap. 1
2*processi di distribuzione, biotrasformazione ed eliminazione dei farmaci nell’organismoClarck et al. Le basi della Farmacologia Ed Zanichelli Cap1
3*fattori che possono alterare l’eliminazione dei farmaci e le conseguenze clinico-terapeutiche Clarck et al. Le basi della Farmacologia Ed Zanichelli Cap. 1
4*Principali parametri farmacocinetici Clarck et al. Le basi della Farmacologia Ed Zanichelli Cap. 1
5*Classificazione dei recettori, interazione farmaco-recettore e traduzione del segnale Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 2 e 3
6*Agonisti e antagonisti recettoriali Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 2
7*Tolleranza e tachifilassi Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 2
8*rasmissione colinergica Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 4 e 5
9*Trasmissione adrenergica Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 6 e 7
10*Mediatori chimici Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 3 a 42
11*Indice terapeutico, DE50, DT50 clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 2
12* Aspetti farmacocinetici ocularidispese/slides
13*Farmaci per il glaucomaDispense/slides
14*Farmaci per le affezioni vascolari retinicheDispense/slides
15*AntibioticiClarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed.
16*Farmaci della pupillaClarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli
17Anestetici localiClarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli
18*Antinfiammatori Clarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 41
19*Farmaci per il doloreClarck et al. ''Le Basi della Farmacologia'' Ed. Zanichelli Cap 14 e 41
20*Sostituti lacrimali, sostanze viscolealstichedispense/slides