Methodology and techniques of rehabilitation in developmental age

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: VITO PAVONE

Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim is to provide general knowledges about the musculoskeletal diseases of the developmental age, focusing on orthopedics and traumatology.

The goal is to provide to the student the main notions about diagnosis andtherapeutic prescriptions of orthopedic and traumatology surgeon, in order to identify the appropriate rehabilitation program following a trauma in the developmental age, to carry out the ideal functional rehabilitation in congenital deformities or in orthopedic diseases of the developmental age, and to train the patient in adoption and use of prostheses and orthosis.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons. Ppt files.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics principles of musculo-skeletal system (mandatory).

Detailed Course Content

The course is based on the main orthopaedic and traumatologic disorders in pediatric age, highlighting: epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, imaging investigations, differential diagnosis, prognosis, complications, conservative and surgivcal treatment.

Textbook Information

1. Sessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore (reference book)

2. Canavese - Andreacchio. Manuale Pratico di Traumatologia Pediatrica. Timeo Editore (consultation book)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Esame obiettivo in ortopedia pediatricaConsultare dispense
2Generalità sui traumi in età evolutiva: Contusioni, Distorsioni, Lussazioni.Sessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Traumatologia dell’età adulta – Cap. “Le distorsioni”; Cap. “Le lussazioni”. Consultare dispense
3Fratture in generale e loro complicanzeSessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Parte generale. Cap. “Fratture: generalità”. Cap. “Fisiopatologia del processo riparativo delle fratture”. Consultare dispense
4Distacchi EpifisariSessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Traumatologia dell’età evolutiva. Cap. “Traumatologia dell’età evolutiva”.
5Deviazione Assiali (Coxa Vara E Valga, Ginocchio Varo e Valgo)Sessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Ortopedia dell’età evolutiva. Cap. “Ginocchio valgo e varo”. Consultare Dispense
6Displasia Congenita Dell’anca; Epifisiolisi.Sessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Ortopedia dell’età evolutiva. Cap. “La Displasia evolutiva dell’anca, epifisiolisi”. Consultare Dispense
7Piede Torto CongenitoSessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Ortopedia dell'età evolutiva. Cap "Piede Torto congenito". Consultare Dispense
8Torcicollo CongenitoConsultare dispense
9Osteocondrosi (M. Di Legg-Perthes-Calvè, M Di Schuermann, M. Di Osgood- Schlatter, M. Di Sever, Etc)sessa-villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Ortopedia dell'età evolutiva. Cap. ''Le osteocondrosi''. Consultare Dispense
10Piede Piatto GiovanileSessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Ortopedia dell’età evolutiva. Cap. “Il piede piatto evolutivo dell'infanzia”. Consultare Dispense
11Paramorfismi e Dismorfismi Rachidei, LombalgieSessa-Villani. Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Monduzzi Editore. Ortopedia dell’età evolutiva. Cap. “Deviazioni del rachide”. Consultare Dispense

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam. Elements to be evaluated: relevance of the answers, quality of their contents, ability to connect with other topics within the program, ability to report examples, quality of technical language, and overall expressive ability.

To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, students can request a meeting in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measure, according to the educational goals and specific needs. In this case, it is advisable to contact the CInAP (Centre for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) professor of the Department where the Degree Course is included.