Methodology of visceral rehabilitation

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Rita BELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Acquire skills related to pelviperineal examination for the assessment of urinary incontinence . Acquire rehabilitation techniques of the pelvic floor in urogynecological pathologies

Course Structure

Frontal Lessons

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of the anatomy of the pelvic floor muscles.  Knowledge of the anatomy and physiopathology of the uro-genital system (mandatory)

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

Pelviperineal examination for the evaluation of female and male urinary incontinence: anamnesis, evaluation of symptoms, physical examination. Therapeutic exercise of the pelvic floor: awareness of muscle recruitment, position of the pelvis. Type of exercises: knack, counter-resistance exercises, recruitment of respiratory muscles, non-generating techniques to increase intra-abdominal pressure, breathing exercises and postural re-education. Instrumental re-education of the pelvic floor: electrostimulation, biofeedback.

Textbook Information

1. Autori: Donatella Giraudo- Gianfranco Lamberti Titolo: Incontinenza urinaria femminile . Manuale per la riabilitazione. Edizione: Edi -Ermes II edizione, 2021 (reference book)

2. Autrice: Arianna Bortolami
Titolo: Riabilitazione del pavimento pelvico Edra Spa, 2022 (reference book)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Pelviperineal examination for the evaluation of female and male urinary incontinence: anamnesis, evaluation of symptoms, physical examination.Autori: Donatella Giraudo- Gianfranco LambertiTitolo: Incontinenza urinaria femminile . Manuale per la riabilitazione. Edizione: Edi -Ermes II edizione, 2021
2Therapeutic exercise of the pelvic floor: awareness of muscle recruitment, position of the pelvis.Autori: Donatella Giraudo- Gianfranco LambertiTitolo: Incontinenza urinaria femminile . Manuale per la riabilitazione. Edizione: Edi -Ermes II edizione, 2021
3Type of exercises: knack, counter-resistance exercises, recruitment of respiratory muscles, non-generating techniques to increase intra-abdominal pressure, breathing exercises and postural re-education.Autori: Donatella Giraudo- Gianfranco Lamberti Titolo: Incontinenza urinaria femminile . Manuale per la riabilitazione. Edizione: Edi -Ermes II edizione, 2021
4Instrumental re-education of the pelvic floor: electrostimulation, biofeedback.Autrice: Arianna BortolamiTitolo: Riabilitazione del pavimento pelvico Edra Spa, 2022

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam and on-going evaluation

Oral exam. Elements to be evaluated: relevance of the answers, quality of their contents, ability to connect with other topics within the program, ability to report examples, quality of technical language, and overall expressive ability.

To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, students can request a meeting in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measure, according to the educational goals and specific needs. In this case, it is advisable to contact the CInAP (Centre for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) professor of the Department where the Degree Course is included

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1. Awareness of the perineal musculature and its possible movements

2. Protocol for the assessment of female urinary incontinence

3. Voluntary Early Contraction

4. Alteration of the breathing pattern.