Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: VINCENZA BARRESI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course is designed to provide students with a good foundation of knowledge in all aspects of Clinical Biochemistry. Introducing the fundamentals of instrumentation and methodology in the clinical chemistry and biochemistry laboratory medicine, lectures will cover urinalysis testing procedures and associated disease entities, as well as analysis of other body fluids. Clinical testing using automated and manual methods, measurement of pancreatic function and intestinal absorption, renal and liver function, enzymes, electrolytes, blood gases, lipids, toxicology, urinalysis, endocrinology, neurological, dysmetabolic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

Course Structure

Frontal teaching, Individual study.

Information for students with disabilities and / or SLD: To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensatory measures, based on the teaching objectives and specifications needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP contact person (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or SLD) of the Department of Biomedical and Biotechonological Sciences.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously reported, in order to carry out the program reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

  1. The use of laboratory data in clinical practice,  methods of acquisition of laboratory data and  interpretation of biochemical data
  2. Assessment of liver function and diagnosis of jaundice, acute and chronic diseases of the liver, liver function and hepatitis tests, alcoholism) 
  3. Blood count, morphological test of blood cells, hemoglobinopathies.
  4. Heme synthesis disorders and porphyrias and their laboratory evaluation.
  5. Disorders of amino acid metabolism (Phenylketonuria, Hyperhomocysteinemia, Hyperammoniaemia).
  6. Laboratory evaluation of purine metabolism disorders (hyperuricemia, gout).
  7. Markers tumorali e regolazione delle vie metaboliche nei tumori; aspetti cellulari e molecolari di biochimica clinica, tests diagnostici molecolari.

Textbook Information

  • Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio, Marcello Ciaccio e Giuseppe Lippi, Edises
  • Medicina di Laboratorio, G. Federici (Autore), – Mc GrawHill Medicina di laboratorio.
  • Medicina di Laboratorio. Logica e patologia clinica, I. Antonozzi, E. Gulletta (Autori) - Piccin
  • Teacher's slides

Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio,Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio.Edises
 G. FedericiMedicina di laboratorio,Mc GrawHill Medicina di laboratorio.
 I. Antonozzi, E. Gulletta Medicina di laboratorio. Logica e patologia clinica,Piccin

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1 The use of laboratory data in clinical practice, methods of acquisition of laboratory data and interpretation of biochemical data
22. Assessment of liver function and diagnosis of jaundice, acute and chronic diseases of the liver, liver function and hepatitis tests, alcoholism)
3 3. Blood count, morphological test of blood cells, hemoglobinopathies.
4Heme synthesis disorders and porphyrias and their laboratory evaluation.
55. Disorders of amino acid metabolism (Phenylketonuria, Hyperhomocysteinemia, Hyperammoniaemia).
6Laboratory evaluation of purine metabolism disorders (hyperuricemia, gout).
7Markers tumorali e regolazione delle vie metaboliche nei tumori; aspetti cellulari e molecolari di biochimica clinica, tests diagnostici molecolari

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam. Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should conditions require it.

The evaluation of the knowledge acquired takes place through an oral exam. The grade is expressed on a scale of thirty, up to a maximum of 30/30 cum laude.

The following parameters will be taken into account to assign the final grade:

• Score 29-30 with honors: The student demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the topics, promptly and correctly integrates and critically analyzes the situations presented, independently solving even very complex problems. He has excellent communication skills and competently masters the language adopted in clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology.

• Score 26-28: The student has a good understanding of the topics, is able to integrate and analyze the situations presented critically and logically, explains the topics clearly using appropriate scientific language.

• Score 22-25: The student has a fair understanding of the topics, even if limited to the main areas. He is able to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented, although not always in a linear way, and presents the topics quite clearly with moderate linguistic competence.

• Score 18-21: The student has minimal knowledge of the topics, has a modest ability to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented and presents the topics clearly enough, although his/her linguistic competence may be poorly developed.

• Exam not passed: The student does not have the minimum required knowledge of the fundamental contents of the course. The ability to use a specific language is minimal or non-existent and the student is not able to independently apply the knowledge acquired.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Blood count indices

Sensitivity and Specificity of methods and diagnostics, Positive and Negative Predictive Value, Diagnostic window



Tumor markers

Oxidative and non-oxidative metabolism of ethanol

Elisa Test