Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MANUELA ANGELA MUSCIUMARA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to deepen some basic concepts of pedagogy and the educational relationship, especially in their declination in the context of sport. Epistemological, methodological and social issues will be dealt with  linked to the pedagogical and sporting dimension. The learning of the topics of the course will have to serve for a personal and professional empowerment aimed not only at a knowledge of the topics covered (knowledge) but also at an ability to contextualize the theoretical concepts in practical-operative modalities (know-how) and to re-read everything in a critical and adequate key (knowing how to be).

Course Structure

Lectures and group work

Required Prerequisites

No particular prerequisites 

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is recommended

Textbook Information

  1. Isidori Emanuele (2017), "Pedagogia e sport. La dimensione epistemologica ed etico-sociale”, Milano, Franco Angeli.
  2. Maulini Claudia (2014),"Progettare il benessere attraverso lo sport”, Milano, Franco Angeli
  3. Maulini Claudia (2022), "Educare allenando. Profili e competenze pedagogiche dell'operatore sportivo", Milano, Franco Angeli
  4. Teaching materials provided by the lecturer

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1General pedagogy
2Sports, education and science
3Education and training concepts
4Sport and pedagogical anthropology
5Sport and critical pedagogy
6Sport between values​​and virtues
7Sport as an ethical-pedagogical project
8Educators (family, coach, teachers)
9Pedagogical planning in the sports
10Sport as a means ofpromoting well-being
11Pedagogical planning in the sports
12Experiences in educational planning through sport
13Sport operative profile and pedagogical skills 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Relations between pedagogy and sport. What is the educational relationship? Models of pedagogical intervention through sport